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Synchronizing reading positions, bookmarks and lists in @Voice

@Voice Aloud Reader (Android app, starting from ver. 31.0.4) offers synchronization of reading positions and bookmarks between devices, and adding files to reading lists, through the user's Dropbox account, https://dropbox.com. You may use your current Dropbox or create a new account there for free at anytime. The files needed for this are under /Apps/@Voice folder in your Dropbox. Do not create this folder manually, the app will create and manage it. You don't need to install a Dropbox app for this to work.

You may use @Voice Add to List extension in desktop browsers to add web pages to @Voice reading list with one click on the extension icon in the browser toolbar. I hope this extension will appear in Chrome store shortly, for now you would need to install it manually from the zip file given below:

You may also upload files manually to the /Apps/@Voice folder in Dropbox to have them added to a list.

You may enable synchronization of reading position (for longer texts, like ebooks) and bookmarks under @Voice's Settings menu - "Sync progress/bookmark and reading lists"